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We sell - Choco fit american style cookies - Bogutti poland

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Crunchy cookies in american style with oat flakes andpieces of beligum chocolate. Available flavours cranberry, goji berry, hazelnut and orange peel.
Country of origin Poland
Company information
Corporate name Bogutti poland
Country Henryków urocze / Poland
Company information
  • Product Details

  • Company Information

    BOGUTTI is dinaMICALLY GROWING FAMILY COMPANY set up in 2012. company specializes in a production of cookies - italian style filled with delicious cream fillings, american ones with spots of beligum chocolate and no added sugar ones. Company also specializes in a production of polish traditional candy - fudges. company is involved in some private label projects. halal and kosher certificates available. BRC / IFS available. company export to approximately 50 markets all over the world.

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