
We sell - fresh avocado hass - agroinca productos peruanos de exportacion s.a.

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Country of origin Peru
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Corporate name agroinca productos peruanos de exportacion s.a.
Country arequipa / Peru
Languages English, Spanish
Company information
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  • Company Information

    It started its operations in May 1986 under the name of Agroindustrias del Colca S.A., developing its activities in two experimental agricultural centres located in the desert of La Joya, 60 km southwest of the city of Arequipa.

    Agroinca PPX's current business units include the cultivation of avocado, pomegranate, asparagus and Andean grains, which are sold on the world market.

    All our activities are carried out under a philosophy of respect for man, the earth and our stakeholders, which is summed up in our corporate slogan: Working Responsibly.

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  • Peru
    fresh avocado hass
    fresh avocado hass
  • Peru
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