bodega santa maria magdalena SAC

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Corporate name: bodega santa maria magdalena SAC
Company ID: 20608111604
Pais: Peru
City: Lima
District: San juan de miraflores
Address: cal. salvador gutierrez 529
Landline number:
Cell phone number: +51 967491627
Main products: PISCO, PISCO PURO, PISCO MOSTO VERDE, QUEBRANTA, ITALIA, alcoholic beverages
Main markets: Agroexportaciones
Business type: Exporter
Year of start of activities: 2021
Export start year: 2023
Total employees: 0-50
Export Value of the last 2 years (FOB): Exports less than FOB USD 10,000
Export Volume of the last 2 years (Tn):
Corporate Image Developed:
Company Size (Only Peruvian Companies):
Experience in International Business Platforms:
Verified by ADEX
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  • Peru
    pisco puro quebranta
    pisco puro quebranta
  • Peru
    Albilla pure pisco
    Albilla pure pisco