Corporate name: | Alubias Perú S.A.C. |
Company ID: | 20604159190 |
Pais: | Peru |
City: | Chiclayo |
District: | Chiclayo |
Address: | mz ¨f¨ lote 18 urb. la parada |
Landline number: | |
Cell phone number: | 997005627 |
Website: | |
Main products: | jumbo lima beans and baby lima beans - blackeyes beans- BROAD BEANS - CUZCO CORN - caballero BEAN- val beans. |
Main markets: | DIRECTORIO ADEX |
Business type: | Exporter |
Year of start of activities: | 4 |
Export start year: | 2 |
Total employees: | 0-50 |
Export Value of the last 2 years (FOB): | |
Export Volume of the last 2 years (Tn): | |
Certifications: | |
Corporate Image Developed: | |
Company Size (Only Peruvian Companies): | |
Experience in International Business Platforms: |