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We are a global ingredients and solutions company built on a long history of exceptional performance and market-leading innovation. We provide solutions and innovate in more than 60 industry sectors in around 40 countries.
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Corporate name: INGREDION PERU S.A.
Company ID: 20100068649
Pais: Peru
City: lima
District: santa clara
Address: Car. Central Km. 10.5
Landline number: 51 1 618 6401
Cell phone number:
Main products: sauces, calcium alternatives, dressings, dairy products, etc.
Main markets: Agroexportaciones
Business type: Trading Company
Year of start of activities: 1964
Export start year: 2004
Total employees: Más de 500
Export Value of the last 2 years (FOB): Exports between FOB USD 500,000 and FOB USD 2,500,00
Export Volume of the last 2 years (Tn):
Corporate Image Developed:
Company Size (Only Peruvian Companies):
Experience in International Business Platforms:
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Commercialized Products / Product of interest
  • Peru
    Native starch
    Native starch
  • Peru
  • Peru
    modified starches
    modified starches
  • Peru
    Vegetable proteins
    Vegetable proteins
  • Peru
    Sugar reduction
    Sugar reduction