consorcio carolina sac

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Consortium Carolina S.A.C. with more than 70 years in the Peruvian market, recognized for its quality and exclusivity in the manufacture of garments.
We lead the dressing of the corporate world with personalized designs that distinguish today's executives thanks to the exclusive fabrics and high quality standards in their manufacturing processes and finishes. Each garment is reviewed by our team of professionals, taking care of every detail and thus achieving the satisfaction of our customers.
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Corporate name: consorcio carolina sac
Company ID: 20341191476
Pais: Peru
City: Lima
District: Magdalena
Address: Av. Bolivar Nro. 1831 (1831-a Frente a Facultad de Ing Sistema)
Landline number: (01) 2190300
Cell phone number:
Main products: dress clothes for men and women
Business type: Trading Company
Year of start of activities: 1997
Export start year:
Total employees: 50-100
Export Value of the last 2 years (FOB):
Export Volume of the last 2 years (Tn):
Corporate Image Developed: Intermediate (Basic + social networks)
Company Size (Only Peruvian Companies): Mediana - Ventas anuales superiores a 1700 UIT y hasta el monto máximo de 2,300 UIT
Experience in International Business Platforms: Experienced (3 or more)
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