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Type of certification: VALIDACIÓN haccp queso fresco
Issued by: digesa
Started date: 02 / 11 / 2019
Ended date: 02 / 10 / 2021
Certificado PDF
Type of certification: VALIDACIÓN haccp queso crema
Issued by: digesa
Started date: 08 / 27 / 2018
Ended date: 08 / 26 / 2021
Certificado PDF
Commercialized Products / Product of interest
  • Peru
    Cream Cheese
    Cream Cheese
  • Peru
    Cream Cheese
    Cream Cheese
  • Peru
    Cream Cheese
    Cream Cheese
  • Peru
    Cream Cheese
    Cream Cheese
  • Peru
    Cream Cheese
    Cream Cheese