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San Efisio sac

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We are a leading agricultural company in northern Peru, we have fields with drip irrigation system installations and computerized monitoring, having control in the growth, cultivation and production phases.
We are committed to Social Responsibility and the Environment, creating an organizational culture of continuous improvement in all our processes.
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Corporate name: San Efisio sac
Company ID: 20439837846
Pais: Peru
City: Trujillo
District: Trujillo
Address: Av. América Oeste Nº 110 Urb. Los Cedros
Landline number:
Cell phone number: 948296509 - 973387376
Main markets: Food and beverage
Business type: Exporter
Year of start of activities: 2000
Export start year: 2019
Total employees: 200-500
Export Value of the last 2 years (FOB): Exports between FOB USD 10,000 and FOB USD 500,000
Export Volume of the last 2 years (Tn): 6159986
Certifications: Offer not subject to certification
Corporate Image Developed: Basic (Mail, Web domain and corporate telephone)
Company Size (Only Peruvian Companies): Grande - Ventas anuales superiores a 2,300 UIT
Experience in International Business Platforms: Medium (1-2)
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