agro fergi sac

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family business with more than 8 years of experience on the market with the main objective to develop long terms business with all our clients offered first quality products.
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Corporate name: agro fergi sac
Company ID: 20552256647
Pais: Peru
City: lima
District: miraflores
Address: av alfredo benavides 1180 of. 302
Landline number: 5116235002
Cell phone number: 51997564425
Main products: quinoa, broad beans, oregano, blackeye beans, yellow beans, pigeon peas, maca
Main markets: Food and beverage
Business type: Exporter
Year of start of activities: 2013
Export start year: 2013
Total employees: 0-50
Export Value of the last 2 years (FOB): Exports greater than FOB USD 2,500,000
Export Volume of the last 2 years (Tn): 10000
Certifications: BRC or equivalent / Certificate of sensory evaluation above 80 points (Only for coffee companies)
Corporate Image Developed: Advanced (Intermediate + institutional videos, Web domain in English, brochure or product catalog in English)
Company Size (Only Peruvian Companies): Grande - Ventas anuales superiores a 2,300 UIT
Experience in International Business Platforms: Experienced (3 or more)
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Commercialized Products / Product of interest
  • Peru
  • Peru
    blackeye beans, lima beans. broad beans, pigeon peas
    blackeye beans, lima beans. broad beans, pigeon peas
  • Peru