Textil del valle s.a.

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Textil del Valle is a leading company in the textile sector with more than 30 years of history. Founded in the city of Chincha in Ica, peru, the location of its main headquarters, it has established itself as a recognized vertically integrated company, sustainably transforming yarns into knitted fabrics and manufacturing the highest quality garments for important international brands such as Lacoste, Lululemon and Patagonia.
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Corporate name: Textil del valle s.a.
Company ID: 20104498044
Pais: Peru
City: chincha
District: chincha bja
Address: Panamericana Sur Highway Km. 200, Chincha Baja
Landline number: +511217-0909
Cell phone number:
Website: https://www.textildelvalle.pe/
Main products: knitting garments
Main markets:
Business type: Manufacturer
Year of start of activities: 1987
Export start year: 1987
Total employees: Más de 500
Export Value of the last 2 years (FOB): Exports greater than FOB USD 2,500,000
Export Volume of the last 2 years (Tn):
Corporate Image Developed: Basic (Mail, Web domain and corporate telephone)
Company Size (Only Peruvian Companies): Grande - Ventas anuales superiores a 2,300 UIT
Experience in International Business Platforms: No experience
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  • Peru