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Agrícola Miranda

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Miranda has more than 15 years of operations in Ica city, exporting grapes and onions to the United States, Europe and Latin America. We are recognized by the quality of our products and our commitment to strive for excellence in every process. Our purpose is to provide families around the world with quality agricultural products that are flavorful, nutritious and safe for consumption, striving for high standards of food safety. This allows us to achieve our social, economic and environmental commitments with integrity.
We believe that the private sector plays a crucial role in tackling poverty, reducing inequalities and protecting the environment. For that reason, we are working hard to align our business goals, with the 2030 Agenda and contribute to achieve its global goals.
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Corporate name: Agrícola Miranda
Company ID: 20454726121
Pais: Peru
City: Ica
District: salas
Address: panamericana sur km 290
Landline number: 056 755095
Cell phone number:
Main products: onions, grapes
Main markets:
Business type: Import Company
Year of start of activities: 2008
Export start year: 2008
Total employees: 200-500
Export Value of the last 2 years (FOB): Exports greater than FOB USD 2,500,000
Export Volume of the last 2 years (Tn): 32000
Corporate Image Developed: Basic (Mail, Web domain and corporate telephone)
Company Size (Only Peruvian Companies): Grande - Ventas anuales superiores a 2,300 UIT
Experience in International Business Platforms: Medium (1-2)
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